Brecksville Competition Results
-On November 10th, we had our first official competition in Brecksville, Ohio. Oh what a ride it was! During the first round, we didn't do so well. We won 2 out of 6 matches. Our final ranking after the elimination rounds was 19th place.
Then came the alliance selection. The top eight teams picked two teams each for the final rounds. Our team was fortunate enough to be picked by the first place alliance so we ended up being teammates with first and second place teams. Those teams were Longfellow Middle School in Lorain team 8609C and Elyria Middle School in Elyria team 4211N. After going through the semi-final rounds, we lost in the finals after 2 tied matches and ended up in second place overall.
Some issues we went through were that our claw was close to useless and the mobile goals kept getting stuck under the metal on our robot. Hopefully next competition we will be more prepared. We just have to hope for the best and prepare for the worst!